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Directed by Peter Segal / 242 Vote / tomatometers 6 / 10 Star / / Star Dave Bautista / Genres Family.
25:20 Child's Play.
Urshocc Uiphein, Sector B, Squadron 4 Toksh Special Forces Regiment First month, 5th day, The Week Of The Strong Warrior The hologram meeting had come to an end, but the Cooperative Galactic Council was now in a separate meeting with the Human Authority Council. Gale and I had been dismissed. "I'm tired- can we just get off our feet. Gale asked me, his tone hinting his irritation. I sat down on the grass within the dome- if we went outside, we were likely to be hounded by my comrades. They were not currently pleased with Gale. Gale sat down across from me, the only part of his armor he had removed was his helmet. He did not look pleased with me, either, it seemed. "What. He asked me impatiently. I gave him an expression of disliking at that, and he waited this time for me to speak. to apologize. For ignoring you. He raised a brow, but waited for me to continue. "I did not know how to respond to your actions. You painted an enemy craft in his own blood and stole it, then took down an entire command ship on your own! I have been shielding you from nightmares, Gale, nightmares about the horrors you've seen, but you still fight and even after that absolute INSANITY you committed you are still alive and still ready to fight- what does it take- how much suffering can you endure- before you are lost to me. I demanded. Gale's expression had softened, his lips parted to say something, then closed while he thought better of it. "And I was just supposed to let you run off into the thick of it without me. He asked quietly. "At least you could've stayed by my side. I stated more bluntly. This hurt him, and seeing it in his face stung me. "Gale. I asked, and he looked up to me again. "How do you fight two wars, on your own, at once. Gale shifted, considering the answer. "I'm not supposed to. Then don't. I said softly. Gale looked up at my eyes and sighed, giving it up. I could trust that he wouldn't go rogue again. Sgt. Derren H. Gale, Delta Company USMC Force Reconnaissance First month, 5th day, The Week Of The Strong Warrior I knew now that Urshocc had been distant because he was upset. I hadn't seen him do this before, I hadn't known him long enough I guess. Even after our conversation, he was still quiet. We had barely made it from the meeting dome back to Urshocc's home through the sea of pissed off Toksh and Dquet-Obnious warriors. When we got there, Inkitex was sitting on my bed sharpening a knife of some kind. She glared at me, her feathers puffing up, but she didn't growl at least. She shook her head, which I still didn't understand, but she did not look happy anyway. "And the Toksh think we're idiots. she complained. I rolled my eyes. I thought I was going to get another lecture. She looked at me and tilted her head. "So, Marine- are you proud of yourself? First day on an alien world and you break a War Pact in the most epic way possible, of course. Urshocc and I exchanged glances- we had begun removing our armor for the night. Urshocc spoke up for me this time. "Tell no one until the Council does- the Pact has been thrown out. We will be annihilating the Guingëk forces with the help of more Humans. he explained. I guess they were closer friends than I had initially presumed. Inkitex shook her head a lot at the news. "Are you SERIOUS. Keep your voice down. We hushed her. "Igek! Alright- you have my word, but I need a favor of you two before 'shit hits the fan. as you say it. she said, hopping over to me. She handed me the knife and a diamond-shaped capsule from between the two biggest muscles of her chest, concealed by feathers. "Hide that, and don't break it. I guess I know what I'm bringing home to show my sister's kids. That night, several more Guingëk ships moved in. Big ones. No destroyers yet, but we feared them. I stared up at them as they blotted out the star-filled sky. I had barely left, but already I missed the white, violet, and navy swaths of the Milky Way. Urshocc sat up again, agitated by the sight above. "What does the expression 'when shit hits the fan' mean. He asked me. I rolled over onto my stomach lazily to take my tired eyes off of the view-screen ceiling. "It means when everything goes wrong or when the war really starts. I explained. "But it is used as a noun in the phrase- does it have an origin. I blinked. ~Did it. I. I think it came from a movie or something. It was probably hilarious. For the first time in what seemed like an eternity, but it really had only been today, Urshocc chuckled. It was nice to hear it. Urshocc Uiphein, Sector B, Squadron 4 Toksh Special Forces Regiment First month, sixth day, The Week Of The Strong Warrior Quite early this morning I recieved a standardized hologram message. I had to confirm that I was in a secure area with a quick thermal and technological scan of my surroundings before I got to view the coded script. I decoded it to find that it was the official breaking of the War Pact, but that we were not to engage until Human reinforcements arrived. Our engineers were also instructed to build a new type of craft that incorporated the Humans' advanced armor and the Etweishtet's agile and maneuverable design. They were known for manufacturing fun, fast vessels with smooth handling and loud audio systems. That reminded me. Inkitex had no idea what an electric guitar was yet, and neither did any of my crew. Are you sure this is a good idea. Gale asked me again, speaking very quietly as we moved into the open field with our gear. "Absolutely. Our most popular music right now tries to convey these sounds, but I've never heard of any instrument that sounded this damn close to it. I explained. "It's like we were meant to be your allies all along. Gale grinned at that comment. He had to agree- this was too perfect to be a coincidence. All set up, we stood side by side, guitars slung over our shoulders. "Cage The Elephant. Back Against The Wall, baby. We nodded the count of three and struck the chords at full volume. Instantly, all the lights in the domes came on and our comrades stumbled out of their nests. The hologram message had just been broadcast a good twenty minutes ago, so no one had likely been doing anything important. They clambered over one another down the grassy slopes towards us, mumbling in confusion, but their excitement grew when they got to the nose-bleeds. It was the perfect song, too, and we had just gotten to the solo- the sea of Toksh and Dquet-Obnious went insane, flaring their colors and feathers, a rippling mass of excited warriors screaming at the top of their lungs and pounding their fists in the air, jumping to the beat. It was phenomenal! Gale gleamed, having broken a sweat in his rock-out efforts, but he smiled so bit- it was just awesome, all of it: the crowd, the noise, the cool summer night air against the perspiration of the skin, the head-banging, hearts beating fast, the strings alive under our fingertips- not to mention how perfectly the instrument used all four of my hands. This was exactly what a good idea entailed. Inkitex hopped over the shoulders of the crowd to get to us once we'd finished five more songs. They swarmed us, exhilarated. The sun was barely rising overhead. "WHAT WAS THAT. WHERE DID YOU GET THESE. WHEN DID YOU LEARN IT. WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME. Inkitex barked, scrambling to get close to the guitars. Gale chuckled. "THEY'RE CALLED ELECTRIC GUITARS. THEY'RE FROM EARTH, I TAUGHT HIM HOW TO PLAY IT. Gale answered for me and I nodded. "YEAH- IT'S PRETTY GREAT, RIGHT. We all shuffled back to our respective domes, though Gale and I were still crowded by our new fans. Inkitex and my crew eventually pried them off of us, but not before a female gave Gale the equivalent of what Humans would call a 'kiss. He seemed worried for a moment until his biotech healed up the gash for him. I patted his shoulder, doubled-over in laughter, and my comrades congratulated him and teased him too. Inkitex shook her head much more, her feathers particularly bright. A male in the distance 'cat-called' him for added effect- it was hilarious. Gale couldn't help himself. It was funny! Who can blame them? You're snort^ you're fuckin' irresistible. I joked, and we all burst into laughter again, Gale included. We still had the equipment on our backs, the cords wound up neatly in our arms, guitars slung over our shoulders still. Our recklessness made us forget the battles both behind us and above us- it seemed like we were going to be alright after all. We had begun the long day of manufacturing with the resilient energy of our 'concert' that morning, and by mealtime we were sitting in the skeletons of the ships the Humans would be using in the upcoming final stand. I had been answering a stream of Gale's questions about Dquet-Obnious' when I got a notification on my com-pad from Gale's psychiatrist back on Eart. Gale became quiet and I answered it. "Urshocc! What do you have to say for yourself? First, you lie and say you're going to a peaceful planet with my patient, then I hear on the news that your position has been attacked, AND TWO HOURS LATER GALE IS ON THE FRONT P-PAGE OF STARS AND STRIP-PES AND BBC NEWS, WITH A LOVELY LITTLE P-PICTURE OF HIS HAPP-PPY ASS P-PARACHUTING FROM THE SKY AMIDST THE FLAMING DEBRIS OF A GUINGËK COMMAND SHIP. She hollered, incredibly furious. Her face was pink, and she had stuttered a lot. I was very frightened. WELL. She demanded. Gale took the com-pad from me and replied instead. "I'm fine, the treatment's working great. Love you, bye. he said shortly, ending the call. "If she calls again, don't answer. Is she your romantic interest. I inquired, recoveringfrom the initial terror. Gale looked at me. "What? No- she helped my niece with her lisp. Friend of the family. he explained simply, continuing to eat. I nodded, resuming my food consumption as well. That evening, everyone received a broadcast from the Guingëk Emperor. The new one. He was young, but the only 'pure' youngling of the line left. Their rules were that when chosen as Emperor, you must be without a youngling of your own or otherwise disown it, and you must not have any prior title of power or otherwise disown it. All his aunts and uncles had younglings- all his aunts and uncles were leaders with titles. All his aunts and uncles owned billions of slaves. Now, the lanky, spoiled youth was granted all the power his grandfather had given to him in his death- one of natural causes, but a death no less. I watched the youngling speak bold words, my hearts suddenly heavy with guilt. The young emperor promised the demise of the 'snobby and feeble cowards' that were the Toksh, and the enslavement of the 'lost and hopeless divine creatures' that were the Humans; he claimed that the Humans rightfully belonged to his kind. Gale was watching from beside me. "His people will crucify him when they get defeated. he remarked quietly. I nodded, my thoughts exactly. First month, 6th day, The Week Of The Strong Warrior By the middle of the day today, we had a measly fleet of approximately twenty ships made to the absolutely exact specifications of the Humans' most accomplished engineers. They told us only twenty Humans would be arriving on the next Kiig-Ship by this time tomorrow. If one Human could take down a Guingëk Command Ship by themselves, then surely twenty could defend our outpost sufficiently. But twenty was still a small number, and this alongside other doubts darkened the thoughts of many of us. When I came to check in on Gale around mealtime, he was hunkered down behind a ship, eyes closed, holding a small piece of what I had learned was paper. wasn't a paper. He was holding a picture. It seemed he had finished his work early- the ship he hid behind was complete. I approached him cautiously. "Gale. I asked, and he looked up at me, bringing a hand to his brow to shield his eyes from the sun. "Yeah. I sat beside him. "May I ask what you are doing. I inquired politely. Gale smiled, shaking his head, bit did answer me. "You don't need to be formal around me. I was inking about my family, that's all. I nodded a bit. "I know the pain. Gale looked up at me again. "We're all fighting in this, Urshocc. My mothers, my sister, my in-laws. It's going to take every Human we've got left to get just twenty of us to each outpost. I blinked. This notion really put into perspective just how small, just how new, Humans were to all of this. I had forgotten, having spent so much time by Gale's side since that day last year. He had adapted so well, I had thought he had always been at my side. But this world, this war, it was all still alien to him. "Your capabilities far exceed what our enemy predicted of you, what anh of us had predicted of you. I tried to assure him. He only nodded. There is nothing to be done nor said to keep one from worrying about those they love. But I would not let Gale hurt alone. I stayed beside him. This was going to be a much more brutal fight than when the Guingëk enslaver fleet had approached Earth- it was going to be a much more brutal fight than any outpost attacks we had endured. This was the annihilation, the eradication, of a foul societal idea- the death of the Guingëk's slaver ways. I thought back to how well Gale had fought. I believe now that we would never have stood a chance without the alliance he and I had forged that one truly fateful day. Night had fallen again, and the counting of the remaining hours until absolute war had begun. Gale shifted, not yet asleep, the leads attached to his head pulling at the ones attached to mine. I reached behind me and pulled him to my back again, tossing the covers over him to make him quit fidgeting. "Go to sleep. I mumbled, tired. I heard Gale sigh, irritated, perhaps by me but perhaps by his restlessness also. He sat up and shook my shoulder. "Let's spar. No. What, afraid I'll win again. He taunted. "I said no, Gale. I snapped. He raised a brow. "Sorry. I'm tired. I explained pathetically. "You're supposed to enter hibernation. He asked. I nodded. "Yes. It would normally be like that, if I were on my previous schedule. Gale nodded a bit, laying down again. I could tell he wasn't going to sleep anytime soon. "Gale. Hm. did the last war escalate. I asked him. Gale thought a moment. "Well, we thought that the Guingëk meant well at first, like I believed that. Gale sighed yet again. "They told us that they had come back for us, that they were the creators that had left us so long ago. So many people believed them- then they turned to the rest of us, the ones that thought critically, and convinced us that they would teach our religious people the truth. They had us all believing we were honorable, desirable, worthy. everything any of us wanted to hear. They told our militaries that we had done well, that our suffering was was all too enticing. That us what they tell every race they did you escape their manipulation. I asked. Gale shifted again. "Nothing real is ever that good. We began to initiate espionage countermeasures, determined to find some sort of flaw. We let ourselves be taken and doted over, got close to the Guingëk, worked our way through to the higher authorities. Then one day, some spy was on the lap of some Guingëk leader when they recieved a transmission from their look-outs a few solar systems away. They transmitted it while speaking in their own language, thinking we hadn't learned it yet. The spy overheard everything, and passed on the truth to the rest of us. Did the spy survive. Yes- when the Guingëk found us out, his 'owner' confronted him, and he killed him. I thought about this for a while. The young emperor had called the Humans 'devine' it a tease? Or were they truly obsessed with the Humans and their wit? Did they resent the Humans for having tricked them? How long did you really fight for? Against the Guingëk. About two we were trapped for five prior. Gale replied. "From the ground. Oh, no- we had some fast flying vessels with guns under their wings. Ships galore to launch them from. Missiles. Bombs. But we didn't really start to make a dent until our scientists figured out how to hijack the Guingëk ships. When I met you, that was when we found out about the planet destroyer. Our collective plan was to falsely surrender to board the big ships, bust out of confinement, and use their big guns to take it out. You are very tricky indeed. I replied. It was certainly true. No other race had done that to the Guingëk before.
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All of you are assgoals. This is a perfect representation of a best case scenario if this were to really happen and its hilarious. Full movie mystery island. Some people are saying that Harley Quinn is just a side character (general audience not necessarily comic book fans) and that she's not big enough to be the lead of a movie, but I am personally so happy that we got full Harley Quinn movie with her as the lead. It's a full movie in her head and seeing how she lives and I am so happy we got that. Also I want to address three complaints I've seen. Complaint 1: It has no plot It has a plot. It's basically several things happening that are all connected. Montoya is investigating Black Mask's shipment of a diamond. Huntress is the heiress of the diamond. Harley needs to get the diamond for Black Mask to save herself. Canary is recruited by Montoya to spy on Black Mask. And then there are extra links between Montaya-Harley, Harley-Canary, Montoya-Huntress and Harley-Huntress. I love stories like this where a bunch of things are happening and everything is linked. Only thing is they should have made it clearer how the Keo killings were linked to this (I think they needed their collaboration to get the diamond past imports. and why Cassandra was there when they picked up the diamond (I think she must have overheard the conversation between Montoya and Canary in the stairs where Montaya mentions the diamond. Finally maybe it would have been cool to make Montoya more like Harley's foil. She kind of is Harley's foil because she chases her, but they could have been more linked, like have Montoya building a case against Harley with a Catch Me If You Can sort of relationship, only for Montoya to end up teaming up with Harley to catch Black Mask (who's a bigger threat with the diamond. And then Montoya quits the police so the case against Harley is dropped. The last thing is maybe the mystery could have been more mysterious, but that's probably my fault for watching the trailers. In the trailer they show Cassandra stealing the diamond and Harley agreeing to get it for Black Mask, so I when Harley explains why she's at the police station, I knew what happened from the trailer. Complaint 2. Thin characterizations Harley gets a fantastic character arc. It starts with her saying that no matter how many times her father threw her out, she kept coming back. Then she falls for the Joker and she "loses all sense of who she is. Then her roller derby teammates say "she'll go running back to the Joker the minute he snaps his fingers, if not him, then the next criminal alpha male with a pulse, some people just aren't able to stand on their own. Then she realizes being on her own is harder than she thought (because so many people happen to want to kill her. She is determined to deal with it, but then Doc betrays her and that's her test. It triggers her fear of abandonment and she momentarily gives up. She agrees to bargain for Black Mask's protection because she thinks it's too hard to go on without a powerful man protecting her. She's about to trade being the Joker's girl for being Black Mask's girl. But then in the end she beats that insecurity and emerges victorious with the means and confidence to stand on her own feet (as a criminal woman. And then as a side arc she also adopts (technically abducts) a child, which I love. The other characters are obviously not as much in the movie, but they are essentially all looking for emancipation like Harley. Canary must emancipate herself from Black Mask. Huntress must emancipate herself from revenge. Cassandra must emancipate herself from her foster parents. Montoya just isn't a good fit with the hierarchy and rules of an institution like the police and that combined with the fact that her skills aren't recognized makes lose her soul and become an alcoholic and she'll be better off once she emancipates herself from the police. The villains' characterization I would say come mostly from the work the two actors did. If they were played straight they would be unremarkable, but both actors turn in a "character acting" performance. Black Mask is a charming asshole who weirdly loves Canary and goes into a rage when she betrays him. It kind of shows that villains suffer from abandonment too even if they are abandoned for being terrible people. Probably similar to how his family cut him off too. And Victor Sasz is just so bizarre. He is completely falling for Black Mask's charm, probably because he has none himself. He's dumb, but not overly dumb since he figures that Canary betrayed them and that Cassandra ate the diamond. It's good that they didn't veer into "so dumb he couldn't possibly be alive. He had such creepy mannerisms and laugh too. Complaint 3. It portrays all men as bad people I think everyone in that universe is bad. It's supposed to be "Gotham's underbelly" where everyone is a thug or mafioso, and half the people who try to screw with Harley do so because she did something to them. Canary works for a murderer criminal, Huntress murders people using mafia money, Harley is a villain who escaped from prison, Cassandra Cain steals and Montoya breaks rules (she sent a piece of evidence to her ex illegally or something, I didn't understand, but it sounded bad. I agree the cops didn't have to be so mean, I thought Montoya's story of discrimination was a bit overkill, but I think they were going for a "boy's club" thing, and it does exist in real life so I respect their desire to put that out there even if I didn't find it enjoyable. Doc though couldn't be a good guy, I'll stand by that, his betrayal was important to the story and to Harley's character arc. It makes things exponentially harder (people blowing up her apartment) and makes her want to give up. It's a movie is about surviving being alone and growing back (through crime. Edit: I will shorten this.

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Tom Holland is literally in so many movies rn like omg 😂. Full Movie My spyro. Don't Put Back, 😂. Derivative, but I'll still watch anything with Bautista so the studios still win. 2019 looks like just as bad a year for movies as 2018. great. Full Movie My spybot. Dang this does not come out until 3/2019. Full movie my spy camera. From Skins to this... Wow. My spy full movie 2020. As a primarily Xbox gamer, I've missed out on all the amazing single player experiences that PlayStation has to offer. So in the summer of 2018 I set out with a goal. To buy a PS4, and play through as many exclusives as I could. And when I was done, sell it and recoup much of the cost. My original timeframe was to finish by the end of the summer. But now a year and a half later. I see that my ambitions were too high. I will discuss the games in the order in which I played them, and discuss my thoughts on gameplay, story, and my overall experience. Shadow of the Colossus remastered. Short and sweet, SotC offered a scale that even the largest bosses in dark souls can't compare to. The large open world required little backtracking. The lull between boss fights was well paced. Everything in this game was beautiful to look at, from the terrain, foliage, and the bosses themselves. This game is definitely a one and done experience. Which is perfectly fine. My favorite bosses were the sandworm, which brought back memories of the novel Dune, and the flying bosses, which had my heart racing, scared to fall from such a height. 2. The last of us remastered Enough praise has already been given for this game. It is the best story based "zombie" game on the market. Planning your rout through buildings of infected and enemy bandits is always an intense experience from game start to end. The balance of supplies forces you to use as much stealth as you can, before you inevitably get spotted and bullets start flying. The characters are where this game shines. Joel and Ellie are both extremely believable and everyone else they meet along their journey impacts them greatly. A truly wonderful game. 3. Uncharted collection Games 1-3 Many people point at uncharted 1 being the worst in the series, and I can see why. Many of the platforming segments are extremely buggy and have you falling to your death over and over and over again, even when you think you are making the jump correctly, only for it to miraculously work on the fifth try for no discernible reason. But that being said, the first game was my favorite. As a fan of Indiana Jones, this game is the closest thing I've gotten to a true Indiana Jones experience, the only thing missing is a whip. After the first game I was definitely excited for more. Until I realized the second game was exactly the same. The same enemies, the same kind of puzzles, the same parkour. And almost the same exact story. Surely the third game would be different right? WRONG. I had to drop the third game halfway through because I was truly sick of the repetitive combat. I finished up by watching the game on YouTube and fast forwarding through all the combat. Overall Drake was a strong character and his allies were enjoyable. More of a movie like action game which is perfectly fine. But all three weren't meant to be played back to back. 4. Horizon Zero Dawn Robot dinosaurs. That alone is reason enough to play this game. But another reason would be just how beautiful this game is. I played this at 4K with a true HDR TV and hands down this game was the pretties thing I've ever laid my eyes upon. I fell in love the first time I was hiding around in some tall grass in the Nora heartlands, in the dark of night, with machines patrolling all around me, their blue and red eyes shining through the foliage. But graphics alone can't make a game. Fighting robot dinosaurs makes a game. And damn was it fun. This is definitely a game that is best played on the hardest difficulty you can reasonably manage. When every machine is more powerful than you, planning out every fight is necessary and interesting. The game gives you tons of unique weapons that are all suited at weakening and bringing down the enemies you encounter. Even better, this game lays down the trifecta with an incredible story. The protagonist Aloy travels around the country uncovering the past, why the machines exist, where the previous humans went, and all the while fighting a cult group that wants to unleash weapons of old. I found myself actively searching for every data pad and audio log I could find to better piece together what happened. 5. Dad of Boy 2018 Start to finish, I believe this is the closest thing to a true perfect game I will ever play. I had no experience with any God of war games before this, although I did watch a summary of the story up to this point, to get an idea. So why do I think this game is perfect? First is the combat, the power crawl from start to end of the game was extremely well done. Unlocking more combos and skills, finding new abilities, and a few major gameplay shifts throughout the game led to THE BEST combat experience in my gaming career. I FELT more powerful, I LOOKED more powerful, and I SOUNDED more powerful as the game progressed. All leading up to the final boss scenarios, including the extra challenge bosses the game includes. The final Valkyrie fight might be the best boss I've ever fought in my gaming career. Dark souls bosses feel lazy compared to the valkyries. All their moves can be countered, but not by just rolling, you need to use all your abilities and know-how to correctly counter their attacks. The game feels more like the combat dance that souls should be, rather than the roll-spam fest that it actually is. Then there is the story, the beautiful adventure of a dad doing his best to teach his son the weight of being a god, and a boy trying to prove he is ready for the world. 6. Bloodborne Easily my least favorite souls game. The gun and grotesque art style are what set this game apart, and both get really old really fast. I had to force myself through this game, and I only had fun one time. The shadows of yarnham boss fight. It was incredibly well balanced, frustrating and enjoyable at the same time. But for everything else, being gross on purpose wasnt very appealing to me. The combat didnt feel as deep as others make it out to be, the arcane spells are fairly useless. The weapons all have two modes but that doesnt really make up for the true variety that dark souls has. 7. Persona 5 WAKE UP GET UP GET OUT THERE I went into this blind. An offhand recommendation from a friend. Persona lets you live out the childhood fantasy of leading a secret life of crime-fighting while still in high school. First and foremost, this game is about friendship. Every day you go to school like a normal student, answering questions from the teacher, studying in the library, and taking exams. In the afternoon you balance spending them with friends, fighting crime, and working a part time job. Ive never played a game with a full cast this big, each fleshed out and integral to the story. There is so much I would like to say about this game, but it takes an entire play through to get to know these characters. So instead I will tell you about just one. Your cat. Your most trusted pal throughout the whole game is your talking cat that you take with you wherever you go. He rides the train to school with you and comments on the day, he hides in your desk at school and makes comments on the lessons, and even helps you cheat on your exams. He spies for you on criminals. He ogles girls with you. He calls you dumb when you say something stupid, he praises you after a successful mission. He is your best friend. Morgana So this is the end of my PlayStation journey. A few closing thoughts. The PS4 controller is not as good as the Xbox one controller. Fact. I plan on doing something similar in a few years with the PS5, Im already looking forward to the next The Last of us title, along with the next Horizon, and God of War game. The only game I still wish I could have played is Spider man, but I think Im ready to move on from this journey.

I loved the dads reaction after a person said “Its all fake anyways”. Shut up, Meg. My spy full movie online free. My spy full movie free. The Big Sick prequel that we deserve. Goddamn it jackie! lmao am i the only one who's genuinely excited for this. Full movie my spy tv. Full Movie My sp. z. Press J to jump to the feed. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts log in sign up 1 1 Posted by 7 months ago Archived comment 100% Upvoted This thread is archived New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast Sort by no comments yet Be the first to share what you think! u/tamilrockerss2 Karma 1 Cake day June 19, 2019 help Reddit App Reddit coins Reddit premium Reddit gifts Communities Top Posts Topics about careers press advertise blog Terms Content policy Privacy policy Mod policy Reddit Inc 2020. All rights reserved Cookies help us deliver our Services. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies.   Learn More.

Happy Valentines Day Spy Ninjas<3. My favorite spy full movie. My spy full movie download. Full movie my pet 1. Full movie my spy season. Full movie my spy. My spy full movie free download. I give this movie a 10, I was shocked on how the story was well put together and the surprises are over the top, well done well done. Full movie my spy song. Full Movie My spy camera. My spy full movie 2019. The username is CallMeBenSwolo on Twitter. Here's what they've said so far (will be editing as they post more. Some more confirmation that, yes, Kylo dies after his redemption. Kylo revives Rey. They smile at each other, she says "Ben" and they kiss. Kylo disappears like Luke when he dies. They do not say "I love you. Rey is the granddaughter of Grandpapa Palps. Takes the name Rey Skywalker at the end (whole Tatooine scene is true. Rey having BB8 at the end isn't explained. Finn & Poe are alive, but they are not with her in the final scene. Leia and Kylo have no scenes together. Rey stabs Kylo during their fight at the same moment Leia dies. Rey cries and heals him after. Han is in the movie. Anakin's voice IS in the movie. Hayden voiced Anakin. You can't hide, Rey. Not from me. line from Kylo. Kylo holds her sweetly when he brings her back to life. and says the force bond is stronger than ever. Jannah isn't confirmed to be Lando's daughter. Poe lives. Knights of Ren are hardly in the movie (I'm assuming they only appear in the helmet repair scene and when Rey & Kylo fight them. Doesn't remember KoR having any dialogue. No they don't really fight [Palpatine. Yes he shoots lightning into the sky. Nobody ends up with anyone in a romantic sense at the end of the movie. Movie doesn't explain how Palpatine is back. Palpatine created Snoke and there are a couple tanks with Snoke clones in them. Nothing else is explained. Kylo's reaction to seeing Rey dead: Panicked and hurt. It was well acted but still so awkward because of pacing. After the redemption, Ben doesn't have any lines. Apparently his character overally doesn't have as many lines in this movie. (Lots of people talking about this part: I doubt he has way less dialogue because he's one of the main characters and has a ton of scenes with Rey. About Reylo moments. There were honestly moments that could have been so hot if they'd been handled better. They way they talked to each other was kinda 'wink wink' and the force bond was really strong so that was cool. Only the force ghosts of Luke & Leia are at the end. Leia's last word is "Ben. First [Palpatine] wants Rey to kill him, then when she doesn't, Rey just reflects his lightning back at him until he dies. They don't fight Palps. Ben gets yeeted into the Pit. Answering what Palpatine does in the movie (kinda vague. He does nothing but talk shit to Kylo who doesnt listen to him anyway. But Ian's performance was still great. Luke's ghost appeared to catch Rey's saber when she tried to throw it away. Hux is RIP. He was revealed as a spy because he basically wanted to tear Kylo down. He helps Finn & Poe escape. Gets killed by Pryde. Rey fought Dark Rey, which was a vision, for a little bit then the vision disappeared. This sequence is on the wreckage of the Death Star. The opening scene is actually the Kylo on the red planet scene and it has little added context! He is there to get a way finder to Sith Land, and immediately arrives there and it goes right into the scenes from the Kylo tv spot. That's literally the opening of the movie. Rose and Rey didn't speak to each other. About the LGBT moment in the movie. That woman that is close to Leia and Holdo? She kisses a woman in the background at the end. It's Commander D'Acy. Ben says to Rey: You wanted to take my hand. And Rey responds to the comment later in another scene by saying, I did want to take your hand. Ben's hand. Says it's implied that Finn is going to confess his feelings for Rey (their interpretation) but it doesn't happen. Rey confides in Finn and prefers him over Poe because she doesn't get along with him. Han appears to Kylo and they have a very similar conversation as the TFA bridge moment (even some exact dialogue. Ben says "You're just a memory. Han says "Your memory. touches his face. And Ben turns and tosses away his red saber. "Leia used her last strength to reach out to Ben and call his name. He felt it and saw Han afterward. These two interactions cause his turn. Why Finn screams "Rey. in the trailers. He was just worried about Rey fighting Kylo. He actually falls because Rey force pushes him back, presumably to keep him away from the fight. Ben destroys Reys wayfinder and it pisses her off. He doesn't fight her back too much. Whenever she stops swinging, he stops. There's a moment when they fight where Kylo knocks Rey down and the reason she's able to get the upper hand and stab him is because Leia calls to him through the force and dies. Kylo destroys the wayfinder because "He wants her to use his with him. He says "The only way you are getting there is with me" and crushes hers. List of deaths they remember: Boolio, Hux, Pryde, Leia, Ben, Snap Wexley, Rey (temporarily) Palpatine. Ben comes to save her from becoming Empress Palpatine (I'm serious) and revives her when killing Palps kills her. Ben never wanted her dead. She instantly regrets stabbing him. Palpatine is waiting for Rey to come kill him so all the Sith can inhabit her body. Then he gets rejuvenated by Ben and Rey's combined energies/powers/something like that, and decides to kill them - There is a flashback scene of Luke training Leia in the Force and lightsaber combat. She even had a saber which Force Ghost Luke gives to Rey. Leia has been training Rey in the Force. Rey can straight up float while also levitating tons of rocks around her. KoR gang up on Kylo and are beating him when Rey initiates a force bond and gives him a lightsaber through the bond. Lando flies the falcon and bring a bunch of ships to the big fight at the end. Kylo and Chewie also have no scenes together. Rey stole Ben's ship on the death star and takes it to Ach-to to hide out there forever like Luke, so she destroys it so she cant leave. Then she goes to throw her saber into the flames but ghost Luke catches it and then gives her Leia's saber and then lifts the x-wing out of the water. That's how Rey gets off Ach-to. During the Pasaana scene after Rey destroys Kylo's first ship: Ben walks up to Rey to push her into using the dark side to prove she's a Palpatine. Palpatine tells Kylo to kill Rey and Kylo basically refuses (he doesn't outright say it though. Kylo is done taking orders. In the scene where the voices of the Jedi come to aid Rey, they tell her to rise and that she has all of the power of the Jedi. Anakin's voice is there, so is Ahsoka's. A lot of the dialogue overlaps. Yoda's voice is there. Confirmed Obi-Wan's voice is too. Thinks Mace Windu's voice is in it. Force dyad is in the movie. Ben & Rey have a very deep connection. How Rey's resurrection and Rey/Kylo kiss happens: Ben climbs out of the pit, sees fallen Rey from a distance and rushes over as best he can, limping. He gets to her and pulls her into his lap and holds her to his chest, heartbroken. Then he calms himself, leans her back, lays hands, and revives her. When she comes back, she holds his hand, looks into his eyes, smiles huge, calls him Ben, and they have a solid full contact kiss for about 2 seconds? He smiles back. Then he abruptly falls over dead, she touches him, and he vanishes. So he died happy. C3PO gets his memory back. He can understand Sith script but is forbidden from translating it so they hack his memory, thus wiping it, and he tells them where to find the wayfinder. Forgets everyone/everything but is restored by R2. There is a moment where Chewie mourns Leia. Implied Finn is force-sensitive. Carrie & Billie share a scene together where they talk about Resistance-related stuff. More updates because they tweeted a LOT more after I went to sleep. Planet that gets hit by the red beam in the trailers is Kimiji (no clue how to spell it lmao. Kylo rips off Rey's beaded necklace during a force bond and that's how he locates her on Pasaana - Scene where Kylo looks at Vader's mask from the D23 footage: He touches the mask and focuses, and thru that fucks with Rey's training. She gets clumsier and then gets mad and that's why she's so pissed when she cuts the tree. She can feel him messing with her. Rey's parents DID sell her off on Jakku because they believed it would protect her. Papa Palps tracked them down and killed them. Getting the trio to the Death Star: Rey goes with Finn and Poe to the planet. They meet Jannah who says to wait until the water is calmer, but Rey sneaks off by herself. Kylo gets there on another tie fighter. When Rey stabs Kylo: He doesnt say anything. Rey then silently cries and heals him which I think ended up healing his scar because it's gone later. That's when she says about wanting to take Ben's hand and runs off and steals his ship leaving him on the DS. When Rey jumps out of the hangar: Kylo told her about the dyad, and that Palpatine didn't know. He offered his hand again and said you know what you have to do. She says, I do. And jumps - When Kylo tells Rey her parentage: Rey says "You're lying" and Kylo replies "I've never lied to you. She believes him. Rey's parents are seen in the movie (flashback) and have dialogue. Kylo & Leia "pass on" together, they disappear (like Luke) at the same time. I guess Leia's spirit was waiting for Ben. Palpatine refers to Kylo as a Skywalker when he yeets him down the pit. (Rise of Skywalker = coming out of the pit. First Order meeting scene: Ben walks in the room wearing his mask, talks a bit, then he sense Hux is uncomfortable about the mask and calls him out for it. Hux denies it a bit comically. Someone else says "I like it. Rey studies the Jedi texts in order to figure out what to do about Palpatine. Hux telling Finn to shoot him in the arm to convince Pryde and Kylo that he'd been ambushed, only for Finn to shoot him in the leg" and later Pryde shoots him in the chest, killing him. Kylo: I killed Snoke. I'll kill you, too. Palpatine: I created Snoke. Rey and Poe arguing: Poe was mad that BB8 was banged up and Rey was mad the Falcon was banged up. And Rey had this funny sarcastic smile and said "You know what you are? You're difficult. You're a difficult man. Some more Kylo/Rey dialogue through the force bond. Kylo: Wherever you are, you're hard to find. Rey: You're hard to get rid of. Luke & Leia training scene: It was a flashback. Luke was wearing a mask and Leia was mostly a silhouette. They were fighting with lightsabers and I think Leia knocked Luke on his ass, then it showed his young cgi face and then her young cgi face. They have no lines because there is a Luke voiceover. Vader's mask wasn't destroyed, just the podium it was on. Kylo realizes Rey is in his room when the mask falls on the floor. Their bond is stronger and they are able to pass items through it at will. Palpatine is kind of undead in the movie, so he's not really "alive. more like a husk. Said the scene with Luke training Leia is definitely a flashback, not a hologram. The surroundings (trees, terrain, etc. are all there. Different user who went to the premiere said John Williams had a cameo in the movie. New stuff /u/ViewerAnon posted. Anakin's line is "Rey, bring balance to the Force as I did. Obi-Wan says "Rey, these are your final steps. Palpatine repeats the line "The Dark Side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural" to Kylo. All the souls of past Sith live in Palpatine. They also said "Maz explains that what Leia knows she must do to reach her son is going to take all of her remaining strength. I think Han appearing to Kylo is because of Leia. When Palpatine has 'absorbed' Rey & Kylo's strength and is about to kill them: Palpatine says "You cannot defeat me. I am all of the Sith. Rey says "And I am all of the Jedi. Also confirms Qui-Gon and Kanan's voices speak to Rey. Palpatine's face melts off on-screen, goes full Raiders of the Lost Ark. Rey goes to Ach-to because she feels conflicted/horrible about being a Palpatine and almost killing Kylo. This person (CallMeBenSwolo) has VERY negative feelings on the movie. A lot of their tweets may be somewhat biased because of that. Many are about their own opinions on the movie so I will not be including those. Everyone should form their own opinion after seeing it themselves. Keep in mind that TLJ sounded awful based on the leaks, but many people ended up liking it (people from this sub included. If you're planning on seeing it, my advice would be to go in the theater with an open mind. Just because some things sound bad on paper doesn't mean that the movie doesn't execute them well. Also, thank you so much for the awards.

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